HomeFields of Work Jordan

Fields of Work Jordan


Social Justice

Although Jordan is known as a relatively stable country. Yet, it has to deal with a set of internal challenges and transformations. Social, economic and ethnic fragmentations are increasing, and demands for social justice, gender democracy and freedom of speech are on the rise. A wide range of social activists and initiatives engage in protests and demand change. In order to deepen knowledge of structures and elements of social injustice in Jordan, and to strengthen capacities for struggling for structural justice in the country, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung collaborates with civil society organizations including research centres in their diverse activities for social justice.

Emancipatory Education

Similar to Palestine, the teaching–learning structures in Jordan are mostly characterized by traditional and hierarchical concepts. However, in order to kick-start social and political change and to cope with the major transformation challenges lying ahead of the Jordanian society, it is essential that education is conceptualized and organized in a way that supports critical thinking capacities as well as activation and participation of people. To this end, RLS partners with civil society actors, grass-root activists and decision makers to further gain knowledge of and skills in emancipatory education tools and methods and to use them in their respective working fields.

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